Two Women Sentenced to be Gang-Raped as Punishment for Their Brother's "Crime"

  • van: Emily L.
  • ontvanger: Principal Secretary of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Two sisters in a village in India are being punished for their brother eloping with a married woman from a dominant caste family. Their punishment, as prescribed by the non-elected, all-male village council, is to be gang-raped, their faces blackened, and then paraded naked around the village. One of the sisters is 23 years old.

If you are as horrified as I am by this, please sign this petition demanding immediate protection for the sisters and an investigation into the village council and their decision to sentence two innocent women to be gang-raped and further humiliated.

The sisters are afraid to return home and their house has been ransacked. The older sister has filed a petition with the Supreme Court for protection so they can return home. Unfortunately, this has only further enraged the villagers.

These sisters are not the first to be given a sexually violent punishment by a village council. This disturbing trend must stop, and we need an investigation and proper punishment of the council members to create a precedent in order for this to happen.
Update #19 jaar geleden
Good news: Amnesty International reported that the sisters were given protection by India's Supreme Court about four months after this horrible decision by the village council. No update on when or if the family will return to the village, and we still want to see an investigation. But for now, it is really wonderful that these sisters will be safe. Thank you for your signature!
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